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[德国地理气象] Berlin,德国柏林是怎么样的城市?

    发表于2019-11-2 22:37:45

Berlin is the capital and the biggest city in Germany. After being separated into East and West during the Cold War, Berlin was reunited in 1990. It quickly emerged as a cosmopolitan, international city beloved for its avante-garde art, museums, architecture, history, and nightlife.

Iconic structures like the fernsehturm (TV Tower), reichstag (government building), and gedächtniskirche (Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church) have become symbols for the country, not just Berlin.

But despite its many attractions, it can be difficult to navigate Berlin. Our list of 10 Things Not to Do in Berlin outlines the many pitfalls. But if you keep an open mind and travel outside of the central neighborhood of Mitte, this is one of the coolest places in the world. From its multicultural street food to one-of-a-kind accommodations, Berlin will expand your definition of what a trip to Germany can be.

Berlin is also host to some of the best festivals in Germany every year. Experience an array of cultures during Karneval der Kulturen, or the somewhat-tamed rebellion of Labor Day. At Christmas time, the city is at its most traditional with some of the best Christmas Markets in the country.
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